Why Planning for Your Golden Years Soon is Crucial to Avoid the Biggest Concern of Placing the Burden of Decision Making on Your Children

PinFacebookLinkedIn Retirement is a time of joy and relaxation, a time when you can finally enjoy the fruits of your labor. For many people, retirement planning means saving as much money as possible, but is money really the most important factor for a happy retirement? The truth is, advanced life planning should be a top priority for pre-retirement adults aged 55-70. In this post, we’ll explore the importance of advanced life planning and why it’s crucial for a happy retirement. As we approach the final stretch of our working years, many of us start to think about our retirement and what life will look like once we’re no longer punching the clock. While planning for retirement is essential, it’s equally important to prepare for the unexpected. This is where advanced life planning comes in. In this blog post, we’ll discuss why advanced life planning is crucial for pre-retirement adults, including what it is, what it entails, and the benefits of having a plan in place. Without proper planning retirement can also be difficult and stressful. As a pre-retirement adult, it’s important to start thinking about advanced life planning. None of us want to be a burden to our adult children as we age.  Participating in advanced life planning can have all your affairs and healthcare wishes in order and take away the responsibility of your children to make decisions that they are unsure you would or would not want them to make. Each one of your children may have a different opinion on how things should go as you age and your needs change. Advanced Life Planning ensures that your golden years and healthcare needs will go according to the way you want them to go. 1. Advanced Life Planning Is About More Than Just Money While financial planning is important, it’s not the only factor that affects your quality of life in retirement. Advanced life planning involves making decisions about your healthcare, your living arrangements, and your legacy. By taking the time to consider these important factors, you can create a roadmap that will allow you to enjoy your golden years to the fullest. A road map available to your family and take the guess work out of how you want decisions to be made. The first thing to know about advanced life planning is that it’s more than just planning for retirement. Advanced life planning includes preparing for unexpected events that may arise in the latter stages of our lives, such as a decline in health or incapacity. It involves creating a comprehensive plan that addresses both our medical needs and financial well-being. This may include things like creating a living will, power of attorney, and a health care proxy. A patient advocate can come along side you and help guide you through the planning process and assist you in navigating the healthcare system to ensure your wishes are expressed. 2. Advanced Life Planning Gives You Peace of Mind One of the biggest benefits of advanced life planning is the peace of mind it brings. Knowing that you have a plan in place for your healthcare, living arrangements, and legacy can help you feel more secure about your future. You’ll be able to enjoy your retirement without worrying about what will happen if your health takes a turn for the worse or if you pass away unexpectedly. One of the biggest benefits of advanced life planning is the peace of mind it provides. Knowing that you have a plan in place to protect your future and the future of your loved ones can alleviate a lot of stress and anxiety. Additionally, having a plan in place allows you to take control of your future and ensure that your wishes are met. Without a plan, decisions about your care and finances may be left up to others, which could result in outcomes that are not aligned with your desires. As nurses and patient advocates, we have witnessed many families torn apart from a healthcare emergency that left their parent unable to make their healthcare decisions known. Without the proper documents in place decision making may be taken away from the family entirely. In some cases when families cannot agree on how to manage their parent’s care, the court system has to get involved and may need to have a court hearing to appointment a guardian for your parent to make their decisions. Depending on how the family is getting along and whether the court feels a family member would not be the best guardian, they will appoint a corporate guardian most likely from a guardianship firm.  A stranger will now get to make the decisions regarding your parent. 3. Advanced Life Planning Helps You Avoid Family Disputes Without a clear plan in place, family members may disagree about your healthcare, living arrangements, and legacy. By having a plan in place, you can avoid disputes and ensure that your wishes are carried out. This can help prevent unnecessary stress and conflict for your loved ones during an already difficult time. Another important aspect of advanced life planning is ensuring that your estate is in order. This includes putting together an estate plan that outlines how your assets will be distributed after you’re gone. Without an estate plan, your assets may be left to the mercy of state law, which may not result in the outcome you desire. It’s also important to have a plan in place for long-term care expenses, as these can be significant and can quickly drain your retirement savings. Your estate gets held up in probate and your family begins the long waiting period to get your affairs sorted out. 4. Advanced Life Planning Allows You to Live Life on Your Own Terms Ultimately, advanced life planning allows you to live life on your own terms. By making decisions about your healthcare, living arrangements, and legacy, you can create a retirement that is tailored to your specific needs and desires. You’ll be able to enjoy your … Continue reading Why Planning for Your Golden Years Soon is Crucial to Avoid the Biggest Concern of Placing the Burden of Decision Making on Your Children