Can I Get Paid to Care for My Aging Parent or Spouse?

PinFacebookLinkedIn A frequent question that comes up and one we are familiar with is “Can I get paid to care for my aging parent or spouse?” The honest answer is yes but it is quite a bit more complicated than that. Depending on which state you live in will depend on how many options you have. We will do our best to help you sort this out and give you some resources to get your state specific questions answered. It’s no secret that caregiving for a loved one can be challenging both emotionally and physically. In fact, the National Alliance for Caregiving reports that caregiving costs the United States economy $522 billion each year. And while many people assume that family members provide this unpaid care for free, there are in fact several ways to get paid for your caregiving efforts. So, if you’re currently providing or contemplating providing care for a relative, read on to learn more about your options. We will start by listing the different ways you can possibly get paid to care for a loved one. Medicaid Programs: According to an AARP article, “Twelve states (Colorado, Kentucky, Maine, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, North Dakota, Oregon, Texas, Utah, Vermont, and Wisconsin) allow these state-funded programs to pay any relatives, including spouses, parents of minor children, and other legally responsible relatives.” For these programs it is best to contact your County Aging and Disability Resource Center or Senior Resource Center. You an also contact your states Medicaid office Some states have Community Options Programs, IRIS, Family Care, and more. It can get a bit overwhelming, so our advice is to reach out to your county senior services government agency. That is the first place to start for all your questions regarding what type of assistance you can get in caring for your aging parent or spouse. In the state of Wisconsin, they are called Aging and Disability Resource Center or ADRC. Some of these programs are self-driven where you manage a pool of money or they also can be managed by the Managed Care Medicaid model, again depending on each state’s program options. Each state has its own requirements for “meeting criteria” to receive these programs. The state specific criteria could include income, assets such as your house, (some states count your house as an asset and some do not), cash on hand in bank accounts, monthly income, retirement funds, some trusts, etc. Often there is a “limit” as little as $2000.00 in assets for some states to qualify for these programs. The individual can usually have one car that would be considered an “allowable” asset and not count against you. The barrier to these types of programs is that a person may be “over assets” and not qualify.  The aging resource center staff can help you “spend down” some of the assets to help you qualify.  An Elder Law or Estate Planning Attorney would be a good resource as well.  There are legal ways you can reduce the assets such as an Irrevocable Funeral Trust where you pre-pay for funeral expenses and once initiated and paperwork is signed there is no way to reclaim those funds. It is always recommended that you contact your financial planner or your attorney to get the best advice for your situation. It has been our experience that the pay can be around $9.00- $20.00 but more around the $9.00-$15.00 depending on where you live. Family Medical Leave Act: This is another potential source of assistance in caring for an aging parent or spouse that some states are improving by offering paid compensation.  The 12 weeks do not have to be taken all at once but only 12 weeks per year. Your employer must have your job or equal job and pay available on your return. If possible, the law requires that you notify your work 30 days in advance of a planned medical leave request. Having an unpaid leave does not solve the “paid” part of this caregiving blog post. With some states stepping forward and offering pain leave we hope this is a good step in the right direction in making it easier for our caregivers. In 1993 The FMLA or Federal Medical Leave Act was passed. This allows a 12-week unpaid leave to care for a new baby, foster child, your own illness or an ill parent or spouse. According to the AARP article listed in our resource section, some states have now allowed care for grandparents. The article goes on to explain that there are several states that are providing paid leave above and beyond what the Federal government mandates for caregiving.  The article was written in November 2021. See the entire article in the resource listing below. These states include:   California, benefits available• Colorado, benefits begin Jan. 1, 2024• Connecticut, benefits begin Jan. 1, 2022• District of Columbia, benefits available• Massachusetts, benefits available• New Jersey, benefits available• New York, benefits available• Oregon, benefits begin Sept. 1, 2023• Rhode Island, benefits available• Washington, benefits available Veteran’s Affairs Benefits or VA: Depending on the amount of “service connection” you have you are entitled to benefits form the VA. Even if you do not qualify for certain benefits under the VA, you may still qualify for some personal cares and assistance in the home. Reach out to the VA and they will help you determine what services you are eligible for. The VA Home Supportive Care Division can often help with: Home or VA Hospital Hospice Services At home personal cares, bath aides, housekeepers, meal prep. Assist with paying for Adult Daycare Telehealth May offer a stipend of a certain dollar amount to cover your caring however this may be on a case by case basis and will need to discuss with the VA. Remote disease monitoring from your home Respite Care with a contracted facility Home Skilled Care such as an R.N. or a Therapist Call VA’s Caregiver Support Line at 1-855-260-3274 Long Term Care Insurance: Some long-term care insurance policies cover in home care.  In most cases the … Continue reading Can I Get Paid to Care for My Aging Parent or Spouse?